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Privacy policy



Anxious to protect the privacy of its customers, Machine Learning Lab EURL, operating under the brands “IA C’EST MON DADA” and “AI IS MY FRIEND” whose activities and products are presented on the sites www.iamondada.com and www.aimyfriend.com, is committed to the protection of personal data.

The purpose of this Charter is to recall our principles and our actions aimed at complying with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.



    Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, the processing of your personal data carried out by Machine Learning Lab EURL is based on following fundamental principles:

    The processing is lawful, fair and transparent.

    The purposes of each processing are determined, explicit and legitimate.

    The data collected is proportional to the purpose of the processing.

    The data collected is subject to organizational and technical security measures.


    The personal data collected is processed by Machine Learning Lab EURL, whose head office is located at 4 Square Auguste Chabrieres, 75015 Paris, France.


    By personal data is meant any information relating to an identified or identifiable person, in particular by reference to identifiers such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, one or more elements. specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity as well as to any other information that our customers decide to communicate to us.

    We mainly collect and process three types of data:

    Data relating to our customers: this data mainly concerns contacts from the business development department, the training department (notably mentoring) and the operations department (payment and invoicing). The personal data collected and processed are the surname, first name, email address, functions, postal address, telephone number and any other information spontaneously communicated by the person if its content is relevant and proportional with regard to the purpose of the processing (in particular data from payment and invoicing).

    Data relating to participants in vocational training: this data is collected either from the employer or from the trainee himself during registration. These data are: surname, first name, employer, profession, email and postal address, telephone number and any other information spontaneously communicated by the person if its content is relevant and directly linked to the purpose of the processing.

    Collecting the data of a participant in one of our employer training courses meets the legal training obligation of employers vis-à-vis their employees.

    The collection of data from a participant in one of our training courses himself meets the legal obligation referred to in the previous paragraph or the execution of a professional training action as provided for in article L 6313. -1 of the Labor Code. The data collected is then necessary for carrying out the action.

    If necessary, and within the exclusive framework of the organization of meal time for the training, Machine Learning Lab may spontaneously request or collect information from the trainees concerning possible food allergies.

    Likewise, in application of Article D 5211-3 of the Labor Code, Machine Learning Lab can collect information on possible disability situations in order to provide for the necessary adaptations to the course of the training.

    Data relating to prospects: this data mainly concerns visitors to the websites www.iamondada.com and www.aimyfriend.com or events organized by Machine Learning Lab, in particular under the brands “IA C’EST MON DADA” and “AI IS MY FRIEND ”, on public event platforms (Eventbrite and meetup in particular). These data are: surname, first name, employer, email address, telephone number and any other information spontaneously communicated by the person if its content is relevant and directly linked to the purpose of the processing.



    The data collected is processed by Machine Learning Lab for the following purposes:

    The data relating to our customers in charge of the purchase of vocational training services are intended to carry out the professional training action for employees. They can also be used for the purpose of carrying out marketing studies, internal statistics and can be used in the context of commercial prospecting actions if the person has not objected to such actions.

    The purpose of the data relating to participants in vocational training is to register and process the training service, namely: registration of registrations, sending of registration confirmations and legal documents of vocational training, skills audit, drawing up attendance lists, attendance and training certificates, signing off trainees for face-to-face training and filling in the satisfaction questionnaire.

    The data relating to prospects and visitors to the sites www.iamondada.com and www.aimyfriend.com are intended to propose relevant offers and to optimize the offer of Machine Learning Lab and the “IA C’EST MON DADA” brands. ”And“ AI IS MY FRIEND ”. They may also have the purpose of carrying out marketing studies, internal statistics and can be used in the context of commercial prospecting actions.

    The collection of the e-mail address provided by the customer and the prospect may also have the purpose of sending relevant offers or information. The customer and the prospect always have the possibility to object to these sendings by checking the box appearing in our satisfaction questionnaires. If he has not objected to the sending of these offers, he has the possibility to unsubscribe at any time.


    The recipients of personal data are:

    Internal Machine Learning Lab departments in charge of training, marketing, prospecting and customer loyalty and invoicing.

    Public or non-public bodies may also be recipients of personal data, exclusively to meet our legal obligations (monitoring and financing of professional training in particular), court officials, ministerial officers, bodies responsible for carrying out recovery. receivables.


    As part of the processing of personal data and in order to ensure optimal service delivery to participants and prospects, Machine Learning Lab may transfer personal data to a third country or to an international organization.

    Machine Learning Lab undertakes to only work with tools developed by European or foreign companies recognized by the CNIL and working in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals at with regard to the processing of personal data.



    The personal data collected and processed by Machine Learning Lab for the execution of a training service is kept for the period strictly necessary for the management of training and invoicing. They are then archived until the expiration of the applicable legal limitation period (establishment of proof in contractual matters, supporting documents to be provided in the event of control by State services, etc.).

    The data collected for commercial prospecting purposes are kept for a maximum period of three (3) years from the end of the commercial relationship.

    Data concerning possible food allergies or disability situations as referred to in 2 / above are only kept for the duration of the training action.


    Machine Learning Lab takes technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of data:

    Access to our premises and our IT platforms are secure;

    Access, sharing, and transfer of data are secure;

    Our employees who have access to personal data are made aware of confidentiality requirements;

    Access to a user’s private financial information collected to process e-commerce transactions is secure;

    A data protection officer (DPO) is appointed.


    In accordance with the regulations in force, everyone has the right to access and rectify their data, as well as the right to request their erasure, to oppose their processing and to obtain their limitation or portability as far as applicable.

    Machine Learning Lab may send commercial offers, under the “IA C’EST MON DADA” and “AI IS MY FRIEND” brands, by email to its professional customers and prospects who have not objected when collecting their data. Data subjects may at any time request to no longer receive communications relating to our offers, news and events by using the hypertext link provided for this purpose in each email sent or directly by post to the following address: Machine Learning Lab EURL, 4 Square Auguste Chabrières, 75015 Paris, France.


    Our cookie policy is described in the “Legal Notice” section on the website www.iamondada.com and www.aimyfriend.com

    Google processes the data mentioned in its privacy policy (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=fr/https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=fr#infocollect).

    This data includes in particular the IP address of the devices used to consult the site. This processing is used for the purposes of analysis and statistical study of the use of our site. Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests we are pursuing, which is to improve and optimize our website for the benefit of users. It is based on Art.6 para.1 lit.f GDPR. The request for data is of a contractual nature. The data subject is not required to provide this data and can object to its processing at any time. To prevent the collection of data relating to their use of the site and the processing of this data by Google, the data subject must follow the instructions of Google: http: //tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.


26 February 2021
© 2020 IA cest mon dada - Tous droits réservés