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Rules of procedure


Internal regulations of the MACHINE LEARNING LAB training organization established in accordance with articles L6352-3 and L6352-4 and R6352-1 to R6352-15 of the French Labor Code. 


The training organization

Machine Learning Lab EURL is a training organization, registered under N ° 11755973675 with the prefect of the Ile-de-France region, whose offers are presented under the brand “AI MY FRIEND” on the website www.aimyfriend. com


Article 1 – Object and scope of the regulation

These rules apply to all persons participating in a training event organized by Machine Learning Lab. A copy is given to each trainee. The regulations define the health and safety rules, the general and permanent rules relating to the discipline as well as the nature and scale of the sanctions that may be taken against trainees who contravene them and the procedural guarantees applicable when ‘a sanction is envisaged. Everyone must comply with the terms of these regulations throughout the duration of the training action.




Article 2 – General principles

Preventing the risk of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to comply with: applicable health and safety requirements at training sites; any instructions imposed either by the management of the training organization or by the manufacturer or the trainer, in particular with regard to the use of the materials made available. Each trainee must therefore ensure his personal safety and that of others by respecting, depending on his training, the general and specific instructions in terms of health and safety. If he notices a malfunction in the security system, he immediately informs the management of the training organization. Failure to comply with these instructions exposes the person to disciplinary sanctions.


Article 3 – Fire instructions

Fire instructions and in particular a map of the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits are posted in the premises where training is given. The trainee must be aware of it. In the event of an alert, the trainee must cease all training activity and calmly follow the instructions of the authorized representative of the training organization or the emergency services. Any trainee witnessing the start of a fire must immediately call for help by dialing 18 from a landline or 112 from a mobile phone and alert a representative of the training organization. </ Span >


Article 4 – Alcoholic beverages and drugs

The introduction or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises is strictly prohibited. Trainees are prohibited from entering or staying while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs in the training facility.


Article 5 – No smoking

It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the training rooms and more generally on the premises of the training organization.


Article 6 – Accident

The trainee victim of an accident – occurred during the training or during the journey between the place of training and his home or his place of work – or the witness of this accident immediately notifies the management of the training organization. The head of the training organization takes the appropriate steps in terms of care and makes the declaration to the relevant social security fund.




Article 7 – Attendance of the trainee in training

Article 7.1. Training hours

Trainees must comply with the schedules set and communicated in advance by the training organization. Failure to respect these times may result in penalties. Except in exceptional circumstances, interns cannot be absent during internship hours.


Article 7.2. – Absences, delays or early departures

In the event of absence, delay or departure before the scheduled time, trainees must notify the training organization and justify themselves. The training organization immediately informs the funder (employer, administration, Fongecif, Region, Pôle emploi, etc.) of this event. Any event not justified by particular circumstances constitutes a fault punishable by disciplinary sanctions. In addition, in accordance with article R6341-45 of the Labor Code, the intern – whose remuneration is paid by the public authorities – is exposed to a deduction from his internship remuneration proportional to the duration of the absence. .


Article 7.3 – Formalism attached to the monitoring of training

The trainee is required to fill in the sign-on sheet as the action unfolds. He may be asked to carry out an assessment of the training at the end of the training action, he is given a certificate of attendance at the training and must send it, as the case may be, to his employer / administration or to the organization funding the action. The trainee submits, as soon as possible, to the training organization the documents that he must fill in as a service provider (request for remuneration or payment of costs related to training; certificates of registration or entry in internship…).


Article 8 – Access to training premises

Unless expressly authorized by the management of the training organization, the trainee may not: enter or remain in the training premises for purposes other than training; introduce, introduce or facilitate the introduction of people foreign to the organization; proceed, in the latter, to the sale of goods or services.


Article 9 – Dress

The trainee is invited to report to the organization in proper attire.


Article 10 – Conduct

All trainees are asked to behave in a way that guarantees respect for the elementary rules of good manners, knowing how to be in a community and the smooth running of training.


Article 11 – Use of equipment

Unless specifically authorized by the management of the training organization, the use of training material is done on the training site and is exclusively reserved for the training activity . Use of the material for personal purposes is prohibited. The trainee is required to keep the equipment entrusted to him for training in good condition. He must make use of it in accordance with his purpose and according to the rules issued by the trainer. The trainee immediately reports any anomalies in the equipment to the trainer.




Article 12 – Disciplinary sanctions

Any failure by the trainee to one of the requirements of these internal regulations may be subject to a sanction pronounced by the head of the training organization or his representative. Any act considered to be wrongful may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one or the other of the following sanctions: call to order; written warning by the director of the training organization or his representative; blame; temporary exclusion from training; definitive exclusion from training. Fines or other financial penalties are prohibited. The manager of the training organization or his representative informs of the sanction taken: the employer of the trainee employee or the administration of the trainee agent – and / or the trainee funder.


Article 13 – Disciplinary guarantees


Article 13.1. – Information of the trainee

No sanction may be imposed on the trainee without the latter having been informed in advance of the grievances against him. However, when an act, considered to be faulty, has made essential a provisional measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect, no definitive sanction relating to this act may be taken without the trainee having first been informed of the grievances retained. against him and possibly, that the procedure described below has been respected.


Article 13.2 – Invitation for an interview

When the director of the training organization or his representative plans to take a sanction, the following procedure is carried out: he summons the trainee by indicating to him the object of the convocation ; the invitation also indicates the date, time and place of the interview as well as the possibility of being assisted by a person of their choice, trainee or employee of the training organization.


Article 13.3. – Assistance possible during the interview

During the interview, the intern may be assisted by a person of their choice. The director or his representative indicates the reason for the envisaged sanction and collects the intern’s explanations.


Article 13.4. – Pronunciation of the sanction

The sanction cannot occur less than one clear day or more than fifteen days after the interview. The sanction is the subject of a written and motivated notification to the trainee.


Done in Paris, 11/23/2020



Manager of the MACHINE LEARNING LAB training organization

3 March 2021
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